
Based on our many years of experience, we have developed selected solutions into complete products. You will find a selection below:

Digital signage solution

We have developed a digital signage system specifically for the needs of lottery companies in sales outlets, consisting of an intuitive CMS and suitable end devices for displaying advertising messages.

The fully cloud-based software plays the content on your displays using a schedule. The displays are monitored at all times and controlled via the CMS. A variety of end devices with different screen sizes (7 – 105″) and performance are supported. Target systems can be both the marketing displays in the lottery wall and monitors specially optimized for advertising scratch cards.

The mobivention digital signage system is constantly being further developed and we can also incorporate your individual customer requirements.

MDM solution

An MDM solution is used to centrally manage the end devices distributed in the collection points or to employees.

Typical functions are the configuration of the devices with as little operator intervention as possible, a kiosk mode to protect against unauthorized operation, etc.

We use either a solution developed in-house or systems from Scalefusion, ELO, Surelock, etc.).

MDM Loesungen mit geschlossenem Schloss auf einem Smartphone angezeigt in blau und schwarz. Wirkt als dekoratives Element
MDM Loesungen mit geschlossenem Schloss auf einem Smartphone angezeigt in blau und schwarz. Wirkt als dekoratives Element

MDM solution

An MDM solution is used to centrally manage the end devices distributed in the collection points or to employees.
Typical functions include the configuration of devices with as little operator intervention as possible, a kiosk mode to protect against unauthorized use, etc. We use either a solution developed in-house or systems from Scalefusion, ELO, Surelock, etc.).

mobivention SIM Karte mit weißen und blauen Verbindungspunkte

Data SIM cards

You can use the following alternatives to connect end devices distributed in collection points to the Internet:

  • LOTTO router in the VPN,
  • private router of the collection point or
  • separate (mobile) router provided by the lottery company, which provides access to the Internet independently of the LOTTO VPN.

If required, we can provide a router with integrated data SIM cards and an administration interface to suit the respective application.